The Herald
Written and performed May of 2020
Getting so tired of keeping my distance.
Getting so tired of dining outside.
Getting so tired of knucklehead neighbors;
Put on your mask! This ain’t about pride!
And facemasks? Yeah, they’ve become such a bother.
Left mine in the car when I ran into Sears.
It makes my face break out like I’m a teenager,
Fogs up my sunglasses and yanks on my ears.
I got the Covid can’t go to my church blues
I miss shaking hands and hugging my friends.
I plead for the day when it’s all a memory
Let’s pray for the day this plague comes to an end!
by C. Coblentz
Grace to you and peace as we enter the month of warm breezes, rain showers, daffodils, Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter!
Hard to believe, but as I sit at my desk writing this edition of the Chat, it was five years ago that the pandemic hit New Dover. On Friday, March 13th it was business as usual, but a day later, I sent out this urgent announcement:
Due to latest news on the Corona virus outbreak, this morning our Church Council voted unanimously to close our church facility for the next two weeks. All worship services, meetings, fellowships, etc. will be cancelled as will the Flea Market. In addition, the church will be closed to all outside groups.
We are in the process of setting up live-streaming and YouTube links for your home viewing and will let you know as soon as they are up.
In the meantime, please continue to pray for the vulnerable and all health care workers in their time of crisis!
Peace, Rev
And so it began….
Of course the “next two weeks” phrase jumps right out. If only! For a year the deadly virus ebbed and flowed, taking from us family members, friends, and neighbors. We quickly ran out of masks, hand sanitizer and toilet paper and were forced to alter our lifestyles in ways that, up until then, were unimaginable. Bodies were stacked up outside hospitals and morgues. As a pastor I recall with sadness the dozens of Covidcaused funerals I performed that year, many of which couldn’t be attended even by family members.
As painful as it may be, I believe it’s so important for us to recall the trials and challenges we faced in that time of plague. And it's equally important that we of New Dover remember how we faced those trials and challenges and emerged from the pandemic a stronger church than we were upon its onset!
From the midst of the pandemic was born our current Internet presence, reaching thousands we wouldn’t have otherwise! We raised $38,000 to build an ICU at Christian Medical College in Vellore, India! And of course, it was the pandemic that gave birth to what became our highly successful, ongoing, Bread Breakers food ministry. Do you realize that between your donations of homemade sandwiches and weekly Wawa pickups we have now fed over 300,000 neighbors in food crisis!!!
Saints, we have always claimed to believe that when disaster hits, God has a way to pick up the pieces and build something brand new from the rubble. Nothing so illustrates this as does our church’s collective response to the crisis that was the Covid pandemic. Five years later, as we continue to march forward in ministry, let us pledge to remember the details of that incredible journey, with all of its twists and turns, challenges, heartaches, and joys. And above all recall that with God’s faithful presence, we took that journey together.
It was the power of our faith that got us to where we are today!
Your fellow pilgrim on the path,
Rev Chuck
Jayne Bonner
Debbie Ladym
Fran Livecchia
Jerry DiRenzo
John Resch
Pat Carpenter & Brian Richards
Service men & women
Veterans Homeless, unemployed & uninsured
The People of Ukraine For Peace in the ongoing conflict in Israel & Gaza
Victims & their Familes of mass shootings All Elderly of NDUMC
Pray for all those affected by Natural Disasters, those suffering with addictions, those suffering from depression, Victims of terrorism & violence, all national leaders, and all those serving at New Dover UMC. All doctors, nurses, EMT, teachers, grocery store workers, janitors, and all other frontline workers. Thank you and God Bless.
If you wish to add anyone to the 2024 permanent prayer list, please contact Karen Rowland at
Sermon of the Month
“The Healer Heals the Temple”
(Preached on March 24th, 2024)
Mark 11:7-19
Jeremiah 7:1-11
Just who is this guy going all crazy that first Palm Sunday 2,000 years ago? How did Jesus of Nazareth go from washing the feet of his disciples to driving salesmen out of the Temple? How could the gentle rabbi who shared the gospel with the Samaritan woman at the well turn into this angry religious rebel, overturning the tables of money changers right in front the Temple priests? How could this kind, compassionate teacher who hugged little children after directing his disciples to “let them come unto me,” take out a whip and start snapping it around like an ancient Indiana Jones?! What in the world got into Jesus? It just seems so of out of character doesn't it?
Question- what was Jesus most famous for during his time in Galilee? Answer- it was as a healer! That is what drew the crowds- they wanted to be healed of various ailments and conditions. They came from miles around because he was the one who had such a well-known reputation as a healer.
“That evening, at sunset, they brought to him all who were sick or possessed with demons. And the whole city was gathered around the door. And he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons…” Mark 1:32-34
So you see, this is what he was so popular for early on. Jesus’ healing is what brought the crowds around.
In the Gospel of Mark, to be healed, to be “made whole” isn’t just about addressing the disease or condition; it's about being restored to spiritual wholeness as well. Remember the story of the guys who couldn’t get past the crowd so they lifted their paralyzed friend onto the roof, removed the thatch, then lowered him down through the ceiling to be healed by Jesus? And what did Jesus say over him? That his sins were forgiven! And of course that really ticks off the religious leaders! Then there’s the story of Jesus on his way to Jarius’ house when he was touched by the woman out of the crowd who had been bleeding for twelve years. And what did he say to her? That her faith had made her well. Or there was the Gerasene demoniac, a really scary dude, but Jesus bravely faced him and drove the demons out into some nearby pigs, making the man whole once again. And there are dozens of similar stories strewn throughout the gospels, emphasizing Jesus’ power and reputation as a healer:
“When they got out of the boat, people at once recognized him, and rushed about that whole region and began to bring the sick on mats to wherever they heard he was. And wherever he went, into villages or cities or farms, they laid the sick in the market-places, and begged him that they might touch even the fringe of his cloak; and all who touched it were healed. Mark 6:54-56
So, once he enters Jerusalem, the very first place Jesus goes to is the Temple. The first thing he probably noticed was that the Temple Mount is divided into various courtyards based on one’s perceived holiness according to the religious leaders. For instance, you have the Court of Women which meant that women were permitted to go no closer to the Temple than that area because they were considered less holy than men! Even further out was the Court of Gentiles where even non-Jews could gather and interact with Jews. So there were these various levels of holiness: gentiles could congregate here, men and women could go here, only the men could go here, and only the priests could venture inside, so we had what amounted to a caste system of holiness on full display. The closer one gets to the Temple itself, the “holier” one had to be! Now if we have been following Jesus’ ministry up to this point we know that this runs 180 degrees counter to his teaching! In fact, Jesus has done everything he can to break down these so-called holiness divisions.
Jesus also witnessed the “money changers” exchanging Roman coins for temple coins because you couldn't bring Roman coins containing Caesar’s image or that of other Roman gods into the Temple. And there were also those who sold doves or lambs, because if you were coming to Jerusalem from a distance to offer your Passover sacrifice you probably didn't feel like lugging a lamb dozens, if not hundreds of miles, when you could simply purchase the animal for your sacrifice. In addition to this, the outer precincts of the Temple had become a sort of shortcut for Jerusalem residents so they wouldn't have to go all the way around the Temple Mount to get to the other side. Jesus saw that too as a violation of the sacredness of the Temple. It would be like someone cutting through our sanctuary to get to Walmart! Jesus witnessed all these things and so he leaves the city for a while to size things up. Jesus came to see the Temple as a sacred place that was in need of some serious healing, and so this man with a well-earned reputation as a healer had to figure out “How do I heal the Temple?” It has a sickness, and its symptoms included separating God’s people from one another rather than bringing them together under God's Kingdom. Greed was another disease that masked the sacred nature of the Temple, as did reducing the Temple to a shortcut across town.
So bad were conditions at the Temple, Jesus knew his normal methods of healing wouldn’t work here. No laying on of hands. No touching of his cloak. So Jesus thought about it and thought about it and concluded that there was only one thing he could do to heal this temple- go “medieval on it!” And so that is what he did once he came back to town, rushing in, overturning the tables of the money changers, driving out those who were selling animals, and stopping anyone who tried to cut through the Temple on their way across town! And Jesus did all this right in the middle of Passover and right under the gaze of the Temple priests, and the Roman soldiers who were looking on from the tower next to the Temple. And Jesus certainly knew that by healing the Temple in this manner, by openly challenging the way the religious leaders ran the Temple and generated income, he had put a big bullseye on his very life.
So that's how Jesus saw the Temple then, and that's how Jesus acted on what he saw, which leads us to ask: how do you think Jesus sees the church today? And how would he respond to what he sees? You know, this story is 2000 years old and yet the sickness Jesus attended to then continues today, does it not? We don’t need a PhD to figure out how Jesus would address so many churches today where the goal is clearly “fleecing the flock;” where showmanship is more important than substance. And for many mega-churches, just as in the Temple, there’s actually a caste system where the front pews are reserved for the biggest donors, and/or celebrities who will draw viewership and ratings.
So how do you think Jesus would handle it now? I think there’s a pretty good chance he would deal with it the same way he did 2,000 years ago. And just like before, I doubt he would attempt to heal our broken churches by gently laying his hands on them, or letting them brush against his cloak. No. Jesus would address it now the way he addressed it then! He would rush in and overturn the tables of the money changers, and drive out those buying and selling, and tear down the walls of the caste system favoring the rich and powerful!
I'm gonna close with this passage from Jeremiah 7, the very passage Jesus quoted from as he healed the Temple:
“Amend your ways and your doings, and let me dwell with you in this place. Do not trust in these deceptive words: ‘This is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord.’ For if you truly amend your ways and your doings, if you truly act justly one with another, if you do not oppress the alien, the orphan, and the widow…
Here you are, trusting in deceptive words to no avail.
Has this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your sight? You know, I too am watching, says the Lord.”
Saints, like Jesus in the Temple that day, we too are on stage! Yes we are being watched by God, but we are also being watched by our neighbors. The church is broken; it is desperately in need of healing. What will it take to heal it? Perhaps the time has come to emulate Jesus and go a little crazy! Perhaps it’s time to flip a few tables and drive out the pretenders, the wolves in sheep’s clothing! Because until we do that, all the outside world sees of the church is a false gospel of greed, prejudice, oppression, segregation, and Christian nationalism. And that’s not acceptable. Let the flipping and the whipping, let the healing begin….
Handbell Refurbishment
Our handbells are in
need of refurbishment.
It has been 24 years since our bells have been fully serviced. While they are still ringing, they are showing signs of the normal wear that come from making music. Over the past 24 years our bells have been used for over 1500 hours by over 100 ringers of all ages. They have played for more than 300 services and concerts.
As time passes, some parts need to be replaced and the castings need to be thoroughly cleaned and polished. While some repairs have been accomplished in house, such as changing the springs, replacing the washers, and occasionally tightening the clapper heads or the handles, and regular polishing of the brass, the time has come for them to be professionally cleaned and parts replaced.
We are asking you to help with this effort. Our goal is to raise $12,000.
Watch for more news and information about this fundraising effort.
Psalm 24:1 proclaims that “the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it” (NIV). One thing that we must recognize in understanding stewardship is the fact that God owns everything in our lives. We must change our mindset towards ownership and realize that we are stewards of what we have. Deuteronomy 8:18 that demands us to “remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.”
In the beginning of Genesis, God created everything and put Adam to work in the garden to take care of it. God owns everything, we are obligated to carry out the will of the father; for owners have rights and stewards have responsibilities. We must understand that when God blesses us with abundance, the abundance creates more of a responsibility to handle what God has given us.
Giving to the church is a matter of being good stewards of what He has given us and returning a portion of it. If you’d like to give, click here: GIVE
VBS 2025
Magnified! VBS
July 14-18, 2025 | 9am-12pm
Send your kids on a nature filled adventure at New Dover United Methodist Church to discover the bigness of God in the smallest of things!
Registration open for children in Pre-K (age 4) - 8th grade!
Join the VBS Team!
Sign up to be a volunteer.
Are you looking for a meaningful way to serve and make a difference in the lives of children? Join the VBS team! We are seeking volunteers to help create an unforgettable experience for kids as they learn about God’s love. Click here to sign up: VOLUNTEER!
Finance News
The Finance Committee is continuing to provide financial information. The following provides the income and expenses as of February 2025. The church income includes what is provided to the church in pledge envelopes to current expense and other income sources such as building rentals, flea market and various fundraising activities. Church expenses are shown which include salaries, utilities, conference obligations and other costs to keep the church operating.
Rise Against Hunger
For more information on Rise Against Hunger, please visit: Rise Against Hunger 2025
United Women in Faith
We would like to thank the United Women in Faith for their generous donation for the new refrigerator/freezer. This freezer is located in the small kitchen off Wesley Hall. It is used as overflow freezer space and storing of the turkeys, hams, etc. for holiday food baskets.
Eyeglasses Donations
The United Women of Faith have decided to continue collecting used eyeglasses to be donated to the Lions Club. There is a box available in Fellowship Hall. Thank you in advance for all your donations!
Mildred Vollmar Scholarship
The Mildred Vollmar Scholarship is available to all graduating High School seniors who plan on attending college in the fall. Applications are now available on the door of the office. Please fill out completely and return to the office by Sunday, May 18.
Any questions, call the office or JoAnn Lettieri (908-296-9177).
Easter Flowers
The Annual Easter Flower Sale is from March 30 until April 6. Daffodils and tulips are $10.00/ plant
April Birthdays & Anniversaries
Jonathan Lamoreaux
Rhea Manglapus
Aiden O’Rourke
Bindu Christian
Judy Rienzo
Bobby Engel
Justine Stevenson
Angelina Budala
Phyllis Carney
Olivia Pillay
Joanne Demler
Eric Colon
Nicholas Castlegrant
Ryan Greve
Doug Rock Joey Stevenson
Krisel Manglapus
Swati Christian
Chang June Yoon
Zachary Oswiany
Ma Angelika Vedana
Rev. Chuck Coblentz
Naomi Hunt
Wilfredo Manglapus
Judy Tymitz
Kristie & Scott Letsch-Reino
Ben & Patricia Stevenson
Richard & JoAnn Lettieri
Brian & Mackenze Chesney
Timothy & Robbin Roth
Lenten Schedule
April 13 Palm Sunday
(regular Sunday schedule)
April 17 Holy Thursday
Service @ 7:00pm
April 18 Good Friday
Service @ 7:00pm
April 20 Easter
6:30am Sunrise Service & 10:15am Sunday Worship